Meet Emma
I grew up in Guernsey and have lived most of my adult life here. I have worked both in finance and 3rd sector as a youth worker and a children’s worker and have previously worked for a local church. Working in these areas has given me lots of practise at speaking in front of large groups of people and also at putting people at ease.

I was delighted in early June 2023 to be sworn into the Guernsey Royal Court as a civil celebrant. Becoming a celebrant gives me the opportunity to work with couples to help them create a truly magical wedding day. I also decided to offer memorial services and naming ceremonies as I believe it is important to celebrate and honour life’s events with your loved ones around you.
Just in case your interested here’s a bit about myself. While I live in Guernsey I also spend a lot of time in the beautiful island of Sark and consider it a home from home. I also love venturing a bit further from home and travelling when I can. I often attend live music events and festivals. When I’m not traveling or working my way to the front row of a concert. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, enjoying island life, sea swimming and walking the cliffs.